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[外语旅游] 大学英语应该怎样学?推荐一本书

发表于 2008-11-1 19:01:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


1.         abandon [ə`bændən] vt. 放弃,遗弃,丢弃
North Korea agreed to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for economic aid and security guarantees. 朝鲜同意放弃其核计划以换取经济上的援助和安全上的保证
To many people in China, someone who is materially rich must be happy, therefore something must be wrong with someone who abandons material pleasure for spiritual pursuit. 对于许多中国人来说,物质上富有的人一定幸福,因此那些放弃物质享受而去追求精神世界的人就显得脑子有问题。
The presence in China of chemical weapons abandoned by the Japanese during World War II is a serious crime to the Chinese people, and those weapons still threaten and damage Chinese people’s lives and property as well as the country’s ecological environment. 二战期间,日本遗弃在中国的化学武器残留是对中国人民犯下的严重罪行。这些化学武器始终威胁伤害着中国人民的生命与财产,同时也对中国的生态环境造成很大破坏。
2.         abide [ə`baid] vt. ①遵守;服从 ②忍受,容忍
Chinese citizens going abroad must abide by local laws and regulations, the Foreign Ministry urged on Monday. Some Chinese businessmen had been repatriated with Philippine laws because they did not have passports or held expired visas. 周一,外交部敦促出国公民必须遵守国外当地的法律规定。一些中国商人已经依照菲律宾法律被遣返,因为他们没有护照或持有到期签证
China appreciates the US reiteration of adherence to the one-China policy, abiding by the three Sino-US joint communiqués and opposing the Taiwan authorities’ proposed referendum. 中国欣赏美方强调坚持一个中国原则遵守《中美三个联合公报》,反对台湾当局提出的公投
Entering WTO needs good national reputation, and it demands member countries to abide by international trade rules and positively fulfill their promises. 加入WTO 必须要有良好的国家信誉。世贸组织成员国要遵守国际贸易准则,并积极履行自己的承诺。
Every actor of market economy must abide by the basic moral requirements. 每个市场经济行为主体都必须遵守基本的道德要求
3.         abolish [ə`bɔliʃ] vt. 废除,废止
China does not have the right conditions for abolishing capital punishment, said spokesman of the Supreme People’s Court at an online meeting with visitors of two top Chinese websites last week. 上周,最高人民法院发言人在与国内两家主要网站的访客进行在线会议时说,在现有的条件下,中国尚不能废除死刑
As some of the rules concerning foreign trade ran contrary to the principles of the WTO, the government decided to abolish them as soon as possible. 由于本国一些外贸规定与世贸组织的原则相抵触,政府决定尽快废止它们。
June 2003, the State Council announced the abolition of the 21-year-old detention and repatriation system, which is seen as an important milestone in China’s social development. 2003年6月,国务院宣布废除实行了21年的收容遣送制度,这被看成是中国社会主义建设的重要里程碑。
4.         abortion [ə`bɔ:ʃən] n. ①夭折,中止 ②流产,堕胎
Chinese authorities have vowed to take tough measures to control fetus gender testing and sex-selective abortions to hold back rising sex ratio imbalance. 中国政府誓将采取严厉措施通过控制胎儿性别测试性别选择性流产来阻止不断上升的性别比例失衡。
Pollution, stress, smoking, and multiple abortions are all leading to a rise in infertility in China, which may affect up to one-tenth of Chinese couples. 污染、压力、吸烟和多次流产是导致不孕病例不断上升的主要原因,中国约有十分之一的夫妇不孕。
5.         abound [ə`baund]
大量存在; 充满, 富于

Chinese west is vast in territory and abound in natural resources. It occupies a position of strategic importance. 西部地区地域辽阔资源丰富,具有重要的战略地位。
Natural gas resources abound in the Bohai Bay region. By the end of 1980, there were more than 700 gas producers there. 渤海湾地区天然气资源丰富,至1980年底已开发气井700多口。
Deng Xiaoping's theory of ideological and political work is an important part of China characteristic socialism theory, which has abounded content.  邓小平(思想政治工作)理论是中国特色社会主义理论的重要组成部分,具有丰富的内容。
6.         abroad [ə`brɔ:d] adv. 到国外,在国外
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